Brand Onboarding for the Connect Library

Sample Fulfillment

Provide contact information for the sample fulfillment department (name, phone number, email address)

Yes No

Sample Orders Invoicing

Provide contact for approving/paying monthly invoice for sample orders (name, phone number, email address).

Marketing Contact

Provide Marketing team contact information for new product introductions, promos, etc. (name, phone number, email address).
How would you like to share your product/website data with our team?
Export data to CSV file or Excel Spreadsheet (BEST).
Assistance from MOWABE through the export data to CSV file or Excel spreadsheet process (15 minutes).
MOWABE scrapes your website to obtain data.
Would like to talk through the above options.
Do you want a link to your brand that A&D access from the platform?
Maybe (Please send more information)
Do you want SI - Fulfillment Solutions to fulfill your orders from 5:00pm-8:00pm EST?
Maybe (Please send more information)
Do you want SI - Fulfillment Solutions to fulfill all of your orders from the Connect Library platform?
Maybe (Please send more information)
Do you need SI - Fulfillment Solutions to produce samples for your fulfillment needs?
Yes (Sampling International will contact you directly)
Do you want Connect Brand built for your specific brand?
Yes, let's set up a call to discuss further
How often do you verify that the data on your website is up-to-date/accurate?